No Matches

The individual sections and their key value pairs of the initialization file for EuSetup are explained below. A complete INI file for EuSetup is here.

Section: [Setup]

Under the [Setup] section, the settings relating to the representation of EuSetup are possible. Some settings depend on other settings. For example, an entry for a non-native text has no effect when multilingual is not available in an entry.

Key: WindowTitle=

A name for the title bar can be specified.

WindowTitle=Setup for my program
The key 'WindowTitle=' is optional.

Key: AppSize=

The window start size of EuSetup (width X height) can be specified.

The key 'AppSize=' is optional.

Key: DefaultLanguage=

The default language in which EuSetup is started.

See also the language selection in section [KnownLanguages].


or e.g. for german

The key 'DefaultLanguage=' is optional.

Key: Logo=

EuSetup can optionally display an image, which is displayed in the upper left area. If the key is missing or no valid file name is specified, nothing is displayed.


If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the image Logo.png is expected in the subdirectory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupImages".

Here is an example with …

and without logo.

Der key 'Logo=' is optional.

Key: LogoSize=

Since the logo to be displayed is displayed in its original size without further settings, the size to be displayed can be optionally specified.


The display then looks like this in the example:

Der key 'LogoSize=' is optional.

Key: LogoText=

To make EuSetup more meaningful (for example, what is installed), a text can optionally be displayed in the upper right area. This key is evaluated if no multilingualism is set or no text has been entered or not found in the selected language (see also LogoText_xx=). The text should be stored in UTF8 format when special characters are used. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.


If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the text from the file Logotext.txt is expected in the subdirectory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".

Here is an example with a logotext without logo...

and with a logotext and a logo.

The key 'LogoText=' is optional.

Key: LogoText_xx=

If multilingualism is desired, an additional logotext key can be provided with a language abbreviation. This is appended with undercoat, e.g. 'Logotext_de=' for a German text. In order for this key to be evaluated, either the key DefaultLanguage= must be set with a corresponding value such as 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the [KnownLanguages] section. The text should be stored in UTF8 format when using special characters. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.


If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the text from the file Logotext_en.txt is expected in the subdirectory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".

A language-specific key is optional.

Key: AgreeText=

Optionally, a license text can be displayed. If no multilingualism is set or no license text has been entered or not found in the set language, this key is evaluated (see also AgreeText_xx=). If the file is not specified or not found, the license text window is not displayed. The license text should be stored in UTF8 format when special characters are used. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.


If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the text from the file license.txt is expected in the subdirectory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".

The key 'AgreeText=' is optional.

Key: AgreeText_xx=

If multilingualism is desired, an additional license text key can be provided with a language abbreviation. This is appended with undercoat, e.g. 'AgreeText_de=' for a German text. In order for this key to be evaluated, either the key DefaultLanguage= must be set with a corresponding value such as 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the [KnownLanguages] section. The text should be stored in UTF8 format when using special characters. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.


If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the text from the file license_de.txt is expected in the subdirectory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".

Here is an example with a license text:

A language-specific key is optional.

Key: AgreeTextAccept=

It can, e.g. for legal reasons, the license text displayed must be accepted with an active 'click'. This is guaranteed when the 'AgreeTextAccept=' key is set to 'true'. The further installation can only be continued with the acceptance of the license text.


Here is an example with a license text that needs to be confirmed:

The key 'AgreeTextAccept=' is optional.

Key: InfoText=

Optionally, another information text can be displayed. If no multilingualism is set or no information text is entered or not found in the selected language, this key is evaluated (see also InfoText_xx=). If the file is not specified or not found, the window containing the information text is not displayed. The information text should be stored in UTF8 format when special characters are used. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.


If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the text from the file Information.txt is expected in the subdirectory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".

Here is an example with an information text:

The key 'InfoText=' is optional.

Key: InfoText_xx=

If multilingualism is desired, an additional information text key can be provided with a language abbreviation. This is appended with undercoat, e.g. 'InfoText_de=' for a German text. In order for this key to be evaluated, either the key DefaultLanguage= must be set with a corresponding value such as 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the [KnownLanguages] section. The text should be stored in UTF8 format when using special characters. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.


If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the text from the file Information_de.txt is expected in the subdirectory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".

A language-specific key is optional.

Key: FinishStartApplication=

EuSetup can be terminated with a program start. If the key 'FinishStartApplication=' or an equivalent language-specific entry is present, a selection box for the program start is displayed on the last dialog page. This key is evaluated if no multilingualism has been set or no text has been entered or not found in the set language (see also FinishStartApplication_xx=).

FinishStartApplication=%TargetDir%/MyProgram.exe|d|MyProgrammName|-a -b
  • The first parameter (after the '=' to the first '|') is the program call. The variable '%TargetDir%' can be used for the selected installation directory. Here in the example '%TargetDir%/MyProgram.exe'.
  • Selection can be preset using the second parameter. A 'd' indicates that the entry is shown as selected.
  • The third parameter, 'MyProgramName', is the program name displayed in the program start selection box.
  • In the fourth parameter, transfer parameters can be transferred to the application to be called. Here, e.g. '-a -b'.

Here's an example:

The key 'FinishStartApplication=' is optional.

Key: FinishStartApplication_xx=

If a call to a program is to be language-dependent at the end of the installation, an additional key for the 'FinishStartApplication=' can be provided with a language code. This is appended with undercoat, e.g. 'FinishStartApplication_de=' for an German text. In order for this key to be evaluated, either the key 'DefaultLanguage=' must be set with a corresponding value such as 'german|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the [KnownLanguages] section.

A language-specific key is optional.

Key: FinishStartApplicationWorkingDir=

The remote directory of the program to be started to complete the installation.

This key is optional, but should be set if 'FinishStartApplication=' or an ref SECTION_SETUP_FINSTARTAPP_XX "'FinishStartApplication_xx='" is set.

Key: FinishShowInfoText=

EuSetup can be terminated with the display of an information text. If the entry 'FinishShowInfoText=' or an equivalent language-specific entry exists, a selection box for displaying a text is displayed in a separate display application on the last dialog page.
If no multi-language is set or no information text is entered or not found in the selected language, this key is evaluated (see also FinishShowInfoText_xx=).
The information text should be stored in UTF8 format when special characters are used. Simple HTML tags are interpreted. See also EuHtmlTiniViewer.

FinishShowInfoText=ReadMeFirst.txt|d|Important Information
  • The first parameter (after the '=' to the first '|') is the name of the file with the text to be displayed. The file 'ReadMeFirst.txt' in the example is expected in the program directory of EuSetup.
  • Selection can be preset using the second parameter. A 'd' indicates that the entry is shown as selected.
  • The third parameter, 'Important Information', is the name displayed in the selection box for displaying a text.
FinishShowInfoText=%TargetDir%/infos/ReadMeFirst.txt|d|Wichtige Information
  • This Example uses the variable '%TargetDir%' for the selected installation directory. The file 'LiesMichZuerst.txt' to be displayed is expected in the subdirectory 'infos' of the installation directory.

Here's an example:

The key 'FinishShowInfoText=' is optional.
If an information text is to be offered for display, the EuHtmlTiniViewer must be installed with EuSetup.

Key: FinishShowInfoText_xx=

If the display of an information text is to be language-dependent at the end of the installation, an additional key 'FinishShowInfoText=' can be provided with a language code. This is appended with undercoat, e.g. 'FinishStartApplication_de=' for an German text. In order for this key to be evaluated, either the key 'DefaultLanguage=' must be set with a corresponding value such as 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the [KnownLanguages] section.

FinishShowInfoText_de=%TargetDir%/LiesMich.txt|d|Wichtige Informationen
A language-specific key is optional.

Key: DefaultInstallDir=

The default installation directory path (the complete directory path with the final '/') must be specified. The default installation directory path can be changed in the dialog as well as selected via a file dialog. EuSetup checks whether EuSetup has sufficient write rights in the selected directory path and, if not, via a message box. EuSetup should then be run as an administrator.

DefaultInstallDir=C:/Program Files/
See also
The key 'DefaultInstallDir=' is mandatory.

Key: DefaultTargetDir=

The default installation directory (only the directory name) must be specified. The default installation directory can be changed in the dialog. It is checked whether EuSetup has sufficient write rights in the selected directory and, if not, via a messagebox. EuSetup should then be run as an administrator.


Here is an example with a default installation directory path and directory:

The key 'DefaultTargetDir=' is mandatory.

Section: [KnownLanguages]

The [KnownLanguages] section lists the languages that affect the textual representation and individual settings of EuSetup. If the section [KnownLanguages] with entries exists, a selection of the language is offered on the first page.

Es werden bei der Auswahl einer anderen Sprache die Texte unmittelbar ausgetauscht, vorausgesetzt es sind welche vorhanden.

Key: size=

The set of entries under [KnownLanguages] to be displayed.

The 'size=' key is optional but mandatory if something is to be displayed.

Key: #\Language=

The individual languages are listed numbered under the 'size=' key in the [KnownLanguages] section.

  • The first parameter (after '=' to the first delimiter '|') is the language displayed in the language selection box.
  • The second parameter, 'de' or 'en' or others, are the language abbreviations used by Qt. These language abbreviations are equivalent to those used in this INI file for the language-specific keys.
  • In order to make the whole thing more intuitive to use, a third parameter can be used to specify an image which is displayed in the language selection box with the name of the language.
    If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the image from the file Flag-GreatBritain.bmp is expected in the subdirectory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupImages".
  • In addition, as shown in the key '3\Language=', a fourth parameter can be specified with an alternative language code. This can be useful if a language (here 'fantasy' with the language code 'fan') is not known as Qt and/or EuSetup. Then, e.g. loadable information and texts, if available, are displayed with the language shortcut of the unknown language (in the example language shortcut 'fan'), but EuSetup itself (dialog texts, button names etc.) is displayed in the alternative language (in the example language code 'en' for English) is displayed.
The structure of the key is obligatory. The numbering is followed by a '\' with the keyword 'Language='.

Section: [Plugins]

All installation actions of EuSetup are done by plugins. Plugins for EuSetup are DLL files, which are dynamically loaded when evaluating the [Plugins] section.

See also Description of the plugins

Key: size=

The set of plugins under [Plugins], which should be loaded.

The 'size=' key is optional but mandatory if you want to load plugins.

Key: #\Plugin=

The individual plugins are listed numbered under the key 'size=' in the [Plugins] section.

  • The first parameter (after the '=' to the first delimiter '|') is the working index or the action executed by the plugin. This is an index that determines which tasks the plugin gets from the workspaces (see, for example, the key #\Work=in the [Work] section) .
    The choice of the name of the work index is free; the condition is that it matches the work index of the action to be executed as the first parameter in [Work] on the #\Work= key. This is the only way to ensure that the plugin receives the right information for its action.
  • The second parameter, 'EuSetupCopyFiles' or 'EuSetupReplaceText' are the names of the plugins (extended by the extension '.dll' by EuSetup). These must be found in the subdirectory 'EuSetupStuff' in the work directory of EuSetup.
The specified plugin files must be present, otherwise EuSetup will terminate the processing.

Section: [Work] and [WorkLast]

In the section [Work] the jobs for EuSetup are defined, which should be executed first in any case. In the section [WorkLast] the jobs for EuSetup are defined, which should be executed last in any case.
The tasks are handled by the plugins listed in Section [Plugins], whose indexes match the working index. This section is always processed first. Even if there are other work sections.

The plugins are called to perform the tasks in the series as the entries with their index are listed in the [Plugins] section. If the installation is undone, the plugins are invoked in the reverse order with the same parameters, in order to possibly undo their actions.

Key: size=

The set of work orders under [Work], which are to be processed.

The 'size=' key is optional, but mandatory if plugins are to process something.

Key: #\Work=

The individual work orders are numbered under the 'size=' key in the [Work] section. Here are two possible entries as examples.

2\Work=replace_text|%TargetDir%/readme.txt|old text|new text
  • The first parameter (after the '=' to the first delimiter '|') is the action to be executed by the plugin corresponding to the work index. The corresponding plugin gets the remaining three parameters passed.
  • The second parameter is passed as a source to the respective plugin.
  • The third parameter is passed as a target to the respective plugin.
  • The fourth parameter is passed as an additional parameter to the respective plugin.

In this example, the first entry is processed by the EuSetupCopyFiles plugin (because of the workindex 'copy_file'.) See also #\Plugin= in the [Plugins] section. It copies all files from the subdirectory 'MyProgram' in the program directory of EuSetup to the target directory selected by the user. The further parameter 'ask' instructs the plugin to ask the user, via a dialog, before overwriting files, whether this should be.

The second entry is processed by the EuSetupReplaceText plugin. It replaces the text 'old text' in 'new text' in the file 'readme.txt' in the target directory selected by the user.

Further information about the plugins and their necessary parameters can be found in the descriptions of the plugins.

The key 'Work=' is optional (see also [Ask], #\Ask and [Work xyz])

Section: [Ask]

EuSetup can offer several components to be installed for selection. The selection is displayed in a tree structure. Components to be installed can be marked as mandatory and thus not deselected. A tree node can be pre-selected in the default setting. All tree nodes can be selected in the display (the lower and upper nodes are automatically adjusted).

A work section can be created for each tree node. If a component such as e.g. 'EuSetup/EuSetup 1.0.0' has been selected and a work index EuSetup has been specified, the work section '[Work EuSetup]' will be executed if it exists (see [Work xyz]).

If no multilingualism is set or no corresponding section is available in the set language or has not been found, this key is evaluated (see also [Ask_xx])

Section: [Ask_xx]

If multilingualism of the display of the components to be installed is desired, a selection section can be provided with a language code. This is appended with undercoat, e.g. 'Ask_de=' with an German selection. In order for this key to be evaluated, either the key 'DefaultLanguage=' must be set with a corresponding value such as 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the [KnownLanguages] section.
The further structure of the section is identical to that of the section [Ask].

Key: size=

The set of component entries to select in [Ask], which should be considered.

The 'size=' key is optional, but is mandatory if you want to select something to select.

Key: #\Ask=

The individual components are listed numbered under the 'size=' key in the [Ask] section.

1\Ask=EuSetup/EuSetup 1.0.0|EuSetup 1.0.0|x|The application to be installed is <b>mandatory</b>.
  • The first parameter (after '=' up to the first delimiter '|') tells EuSetup to build the path in a tree display (separator '/'). The display tree or trees are automatically generated as a display. The entire branch can be specified as the first parameter (e.g., 'EuSetup/Sourcecode/C++ Sources').
  • Via the second parameter, a working indices can be assigned to the individual node (separated by a '&'). The work index identifies the work section. The working index may only contain characters from the ASCII character set.
    The indices are processed alphabetically sorted.
  • Via the third parameter, the individual node can be preset:
    • x -> indicates that the entry can not be deselected
    • d -> indicates that the entry is displayed as selected, but can be deselected
  • The text in the fourth parameter is displayed as a 'Tooltip'.

and here the display after unselecting the English language pack:

The key 'Ask=' is optional.

Section: [Work xyz]

This section defines the jobs for EuSetup which are executed when a component is selected from a selection section in EuSetup. For example, a key '3\Ask=EuSetup/Languagepacks/english|LangPackEn' is available and selected in EuSetup and a work section [Work LangPackEn] exists, the entries are processed as described in [#\Work=].

Example for [Ask] and [Work xyz]

The Index LangPackEn in the third entry under the selection section [Ask] refers to the working section [Work LangPackEn].

1\Ask=EuSetup/EuSetup 1.0.0|EuSetup 1.0.0 en|x|The application to be installed is <b>mandatory<\b>.
[Work LangPackEn]
3\Work=symb_link|%TargetDir%/Docu/EuQSetup_en/index.html|%TargetDir%/bin/manual EuQSetup

Template EuSetup.ini

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Under the [Setup] section, the settings relating to the representation of
# EuSetup are possible. Some settings depend on other settings. For example, an
# entry for a non-native text has no effect when multilingual is not available
# in an entry.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A name for the title bar can be specified.
# Example: WindowTitle=Setup for my program
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The window start size of EuSetup (width X height) can be specified.
# Example: AppSize=455|500
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The default language in which EuSetup is started. See also the language
# selection in section [KnownLanguages].
# Example: DefaultLanguage=english|en
# or e.g. for german
# DefaultLanguage=deutsch|de
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# EuSetup can optionally display an image, which is displayed in the upper left
# area. If the key is missing or no valid file name is specified, nothing is
# displayed.
# Example: Logo=Logo.png
# If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the
# image Logo.png is expected in the subdirectory
# "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupImages".
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The size of the logo (width X height) can be specified.
# Example: LogoSize=90|90
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To make EuSetup more meaningful (for example, what is installed), a text can
# optionally be displayed in the upper right area. This key is evaluated if no
# multilingualism is set or no text has been entered or not found in the selected
# language (see also LogoText_xx =). The text should be stored in UTF8 format
# when special characters are used. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.
# Example: LogoText=Logotext.txt
# If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the
# text from the file Logotext.txt is expected in the subdirectory
# "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If multilingualism is desired, an additional logotext key can be provided with
# a language abbreviation. This is appended with undercoat, e.g. 'Logotext_de='
# for a German text. In order for this key to be evaluated, either the key
# DefaultLanguage= must be set with a corresponding value such as 'deutsch|de'
# or the corresponding language can be selected in the [KnownLanguages] section.
# The text should be stored in UTF8 format when using special characters.
# Simple HTML tags are interpreted.
# Example: LogoText_en=Logotext_de.txt
# If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the
# text from the file Logotext_de.txt is expected in the subdirectory
# "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optionally, a license text can be displayed. If no multilingualism is set or
# no license text has been entered or not found in the set language, this key is
# evaluated (see also AgreeText_xx =). If the file is not specified or not found,
# the license text window is not displayed. The license text should be stored in
# UTF8 format when special characters are used. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.
# Example: AgreeText=license.txt
# If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the
# text from the file license.txt is expected in the subdirectory
# "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If multilingualism is desired, an additional license text key can be provided
# with a language abbreviation. This is appended with undercoat, e.g.
# 'AgreeText_de=' for a German text. In order for this key to be evaluated,
# either the key DefaultLanguage= must be set with a corresponding value such as
# 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the
# [KnownLanguages] section.
# The text should be stored in UTF8 format when using special characters.
# Simple HTML tags are interpreted.
# Example: AgreeText_de=Lizenz_de.txt
# If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the
# text from the file Lizenz_de.txt is expected in the subdirectory
# "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# It can, e.g. for legal reasons, the license text displayed must be accepted
# with an active 'click'. This is guaranteed when the 'AgreeTextAccept=' key
# is set to 'true'. The further installation can only be continued with the
# acceptance of the license text.
# Example: AgreeTextAccept=true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optionally, another information text can be displayed. If no multilingualism
# is set or no information text is entered or not found in the selected language,
# this key is evaluated (see also InfoText_xx =). If the file is not specified
# or not found, the window containing the information text is not displayed. The
# information text should be stored in UTF8 format when special characters are
# used. Simple HTML tags are interpreted.
# Example: InfoText=information_en.txt
# If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the
# text from the file information_en.txt is expected in the subdirectory
# "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If multilingualism is desired, an additional information text key can be
# provided with a language abbreviation. This is appended with undercoat, e.g.
# 'InfoText_de=' for a German text. In order for this key to be evaluated, either
# the key DefaultLanguage= must be set with a corresponding value such as
# 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the
# [KnownLanguages] section.
# The text should be stored in UTF8 format when using special characters.
# Simple HTML tags are interpreted.
# Example: InfoText_de=Information_de.txt
# If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the
# text from the file Information_de.txt is expected in the subdirectory
# "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupTexts".
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# EuSetup can be terminated with a program start. If the key
# 'FinishStartApplication=' or an equivalent language-specific entry is present,
# a selection box for the program start is displayed on the last dialog page.
# This key is evaluated if no multilingualism has been set or no text has been
# entered or not found in the set language (see also FinishStartApplication_xx=).
# Example: FinishStartApplication=%TargetDir%/MyProgram.exe|d|MyProgrammName|-a -b
# - The first parameter (after the '=' to the first delimiter '|') is the program
# call. The variable 'TargetDir' can be used for the selected installation
# directory. Here in the example '§TargetDir%/MyProgram.exe'.
# - Selection can be preset using the second parameter. A 'd' indicates that the
# entry is shown as selected.
# - The third parameter, 'MyProgramName', is the program name displayed in the
# program start selection box.
# - In the fourth parameter, transfer parameters can be transferred to the
# application to be called. Here, e.g. '-a -b'.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If a call to a program is to be language-dependent at the end of the
# installation, an additional key for the 'FinishStartApplication=' can be
# provided with a language code. This is appended with undercoat, e.g.
# 'FinishStartApplication_de=' for an German text. In order for this key to be
# evaluated, either the key 'DefaultLanguage=' must be set with a corresponding
# value such as 'german|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in the
# [KnownLanguages] section.
# Example: FinishStartApplication_de=%TargetDir%/MyProgram.exe|d|MeinProgrammName|GermanParameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The remote directory of the program to be started to complete the installation.
# Example: FinishStartApplicationWorkingDir=%TargetDir%
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# EuSetup can be terminated with the display of an information text. If the entry
# 'FinishShowInfoText=' or an equivalent language-specific entry exists, a
# selection box for displaying a text is displayed in a separate display
# application on the last dialog page. If no multi-language is set or no
# information text is entered or not found in the selected language, this key is
# evaluated (see also FinishShowInfoText_xx=). The information text should be
# stored in UTF8 format when special characters are used. Simple HTML tags are
# interpreted.
# See also EuHtmlTiniViewer.
# Example: FinishShowInfoText=%TargetDir%/ReadMeFirst.txt|d|Important Information
# - The first parameter (after the '=' to the first delimiter '|') is the name
# of the file with the text to be displayed. The variable 'TargetDir' can be
# used for the selected installation directory. Here in the example
# '%TargetDir%/ReadMeFirst.txt'.
# - Selection can be preset using the second parameter. A 'd' indicates that the
# entry is shown as selected.
# - The third parameter, 'Important Information', is the name displayed in the
# selection box for displaying a text.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If the display of an information text is to be language-dependent at the end
# of the installation, an additional key 'FinishShowInfoText=' can be provided
# with a language code. This is appended with undercoat, e.g.
# 'FinishStartApplication_de=' for an German text. In order for this key to be
# evaluated, either the key 'DefaultLanguage=' must be set with a corresponding
# value such as 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language can be selected in
# the [KnownLanguages] section.
# Example: FinishShowInfoText_de=%TargetDir%/LiesMich.txt|d|Wichtige Informationen
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The default installation directory path (the complete directory path with the
# final '/') must be specified. The default installation directory path can be
# changed in the dialog as well as selected via a file dialog. EuSetup checks
# whether EuSetup has sufficient write rights in the selected directory path
# and, if not, via a message box. EuSetup should then be run as an administrator.
# Example: DefaultInstallDir=C:/Program Files/
# Attention, the key 'DefaultInstallDir =' is mandatory.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The default installation directory (only the directory name) must be specified.
# The default installation directory can be changed in the dialog. It is checked
# whether EuSetup has sufficient write rights in the selected directory and, if
# not, via a messagebox. EuSetup should then be run as an administrator.
# Example: DefaultTargetDir=EuSetup
# Attention, the key 'DefaultTargetDir =' is mandatory.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The [KnownLanguages] section lists the languages that affect the textual
# representation and individual settings of EuSetup. If the section
# [KnownLanguages] with entries exists, a selection of the language is offered
# on the first page.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The set of entries under [KnownLanguages] to be displayed.
# Example: size=3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The individual languages are listed numbered under the 'size=' key in the
# [KnownLanguages] section.
# Example:
# 1\Language=deutsch|de|Flagge-Deutschland.bmp
# 2\Language=english|en|Flag-GreatBritain.bmp
# 3\Language=fantasy|fan|Flag-Fantasia.bmp|en
# - The first parameter (after '=' to the first '|') is the language displayed
# in the language selection box.
# - The second parameter, 'de' or 'en' or others, are the language abbreviations
# used by Qt. These language abbreviations are equivalent to those used in
# this INI file for the language-specific keys.
# - In order to make the whole thing more intuitive to use, a third parameter
# can be used to specify an image which is displayed in the language selection
# box with the name of the language.
# If EuSetup is e.g. in the directory "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall" the
# image from the file Flag-GreatBritain.bmp is expected in the subdirectory
# "C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\MyInstall\EuSetupStuff\EuSetupImages".
# - In addition, as shown in the key '3\Language=', a fourth parameter can be
# specified with an alternative language code. This can be useful if a language
# (here 'fantasy' with the language code 'fan') is not known as Qt and/or
# EuSetup. Then, e.g. loadable information and texts, if available, are
# displayed with the language shortcut of the unknown language (in the example
# language shortcut 'fan'), but EuSetup itself (dialog texts, button names
# etc.) is displayed in the alternative language (in the example language code
# 'en' for English) is displayed.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All installation actions of EuSetup are done by plugins. Plugins for EuSetup
# are DLL files, which are dynamically loaded when evaluating the [Plugins]
# section.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The set of plugins under [Plugins], which should be loaded.
# Example: size=2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The individual plugins are listed numbered under the key 'size=' in the
# [Plugins] section.
# Example:
# 1\Plugin=copy_file|EuSetupCopyFiles
# 2\Plugin=replace_text|EuSetupReplaceText
# - The first parameter (after the '=' to the first delimiter '|') is the working
# index or the action executed by the plugin. This is an index that determines
# which tasks the plugin gets from the workspaces (see, for example, the key
# '#\Work=' in the [Work] section). The choice of the name of the work index
# is free; the condition is that it matches the work index of the action to be
# executed as the first parameter in [Work] on the #\Work= key. This is the
# only way to ensure that the plugin receives the right information for its
# action.
# - The second parameter, 'EuSetupCopyFiles' or 'EuSetupReplaceText' are the
# names of the plugins (extended by the extension '.dll' by EuSetup). These
# must be found in the subdirectory 'EuSetupStuff' in the work directory of
# EuSetup.
# Note that the specified plugin files must exist, otherwise EuSetup will
# terminate the processing.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The [Work] section defines the jobs for EuSetup, which should be executed in
# any case. The tasks are handled by the plugins listed in Section [Plugins],
# whose indexes match the working index. This section is always processed first.
# Even if there are other work sections.
# The plugins are called to perform the tasks in the series as the entries with
# their index are listed in the [Plugins] section. If the installation is undone,
# the plugins are invoked in the reverse order with the same parameters, in order
# to possibly undo their actions.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The set of work orders under [Work], which are to be processed.
# Example: size=2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The individual work orders are numbered under the 'size=' key in the [Work]
# section. Here are two possible entries as examples.
# Example:
# 1\Work=copy_file|MyProgram/*.*|%TargetDir%|ask
# 2\Work=replace_text|%TargetDir%/readme.txt|t:old text|t:new text
# - The first parameter (after the '=' to the first delimiter '|') is the action
# to be executed by the plugin corresponding to the work index. The
# corresponding plugin gets the remaining three parameters passed.
# - The second parameter is passed as a source to the respective plugin.
# - The third parameter is passed as a target to the respective plugin.
# - The fourth parameter is passed as an additional parameter to the respective
# plugin.
# In this example, the first entry is processed by the EuSetupCopyFiles plugin
# (because of the workindex 'copy_file'.) See also #\Plugin= in the [Plugins]
# section. It copies all files from the subdirectory 'MyProgram' in the program
# directory of EuSetup to the target directory selected by the user. The further
# parameter 'ask' instructs the plugin to ask the user, via a dialog, before
# overwriting files, whether this should be.
# The second entry is processed by the EuSetupReplaceText plugin. It replaces the
# text 'old text' in 'new text' in the file 'readme.txt' in the target directory
# selected by the user.
# Further information about the plugins and their necessary parameters can be
# found in the descriptions of the plugins.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# EuSetup can offer several components to be installed for selection. The
# selection is displayed in a tree structure. Components to be installed can be
# marked as mandatory and thus not deselected. A tree node can be pre-selected
# in the default setting. All tree nodes can be selected in the display (the
# lower and upper nodes are automatically adjusted).
# A work section can be created for each tree node. If a component such as e.g.
# 'EuSetup/EuSetup 1.0.0' has been selected and a work index 'EuSetup' has been
# specified, the work section '[Work EuSetup]' will be executed if it exists
# (see [Work xyz]).
# If no multilingualism is set or no corresponding section is available in the
# set language or has not been found, this key is evaluated (see also [Ask_xx])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The set of component entries to select in [Ask], which should be considered.
# Example: size=4
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The individual components are listed numbered under the 'size=' key in the
# [Ask] section.
# Example:
# 1\Ask=EuSetup/EuSetup 1.0.0|EuSetup 1.0.0|x|The application to be installed is <b>mandatory</b>.
# 2\Ask=EuSetup/LanguagePacks||d|
# 3\Ask=EuSetup/LanguagePacks/german|LangPackDe
# 4\Ask=EuSetup/LanguagePacks/english|LangPackEn
# - The first parameter (after '=' up to the first delimiter '|') tells EuSetup
# to build the path in a tree display (separator '/'). The display tree or
# trees are automatically generated as a display. The entire branch can be
# specified as the first parameter (e.g., 'EuSetup/Sourcecode/C++ Sources').
# - Via the second parameter, a working index can be assigned to the individual
# node. This work index identifies the 'work section'.
# The working index may only contain characters from the ASCII character set.
# - Via the third parameter, the individual node can be preset. An 'x' indicates
# that the entry can not be deselected; a 'd' indicates that the entry is
# displayed as selected, but can be deselected.
# - The text in the fourth parameter is displayed as a 'Tooltip'.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If multilingualism of the display of the components to be installed is
# desired, a selection section can be provided with a language code. This is
# appended with undercoat, e.g. 'Ask_de=' with an German selection. In order
# for this key to be evaluated, either the key 'DefaultLanguage=' must be set
# with a corresponding value such as 'deutsch|de' or the corresponding language
# can be selected in the [KnownLanguages] section.
# The further structure of the section is identical to that of the section [Ask].
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This section defines the jobs for EuSetup which are executed when a component
# is selected from a selection section in EuSetup.
# For example, a key '3\Ask=EuSetup/Languagepacks/english|LangPackEn'
# is available and selected in EuSetup and a work section [Work LangPackDe]
# exists, the entries are processed as described in [#\Work=].
# Example:
# [Work LangPackEn]
# size=1
# 1\Work=copy_file|lang/*.en|%TargetDir%/translation|
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Work xyz]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------